
Students in 1th through 4th grade learn Chumash Bereisheet. They use a program called Lahavin U’lihaskil.  In these grades, our goal is to build a strong familiarity with the structure of the pesukim, learning how to decode a word, and building a large database of “Chumash Key Words” which are mastered and reviewed cumulatively. In 3rd grade, students start learning Rashi, developing an understanding of the different letters, practicing reading Rashi script and discussing the reasoning behind Rashi’s questions and comments. This is reinforced and built upon in 4th and 5th grade.

In 4th and 5th  grade, students learn sefer Shemot. In addition to the subject matter, it is in these grades that the foundational skills which have been developed are solidified, and deeper analytical skills begin to be taught.

In 6th, 7th and 8th grade, we slowly add more meforshim to our learning – both inside and outside – as we delve deeper into the text. Students learn sections of sefer Vayikra, sefer Bamidbar, and from sefer Devarim.